Portioli 2024 calendar is much more than a set of dates. It is a journey through the moments of the day when coffee and beverages become life experiences. Each page of this calendar tells a story, transporting you to places and moments where taste and pleasure come together.

The visual experience of Portioli moments

Imagine waking up with the warmth of a cup of cappuccino, the exuberance of an espresso after lunch, or the comfort of herbal tea in a mug. This calendar captures such moments, taking them beyond the simple act of drinking a hot beverage, offering a unique and engaging perspective.

The intrinsic beauty of Portioli products has been masterfully captured through the expert eye of the photographer Nicola Allegri. Every detail of cups, glasses, teapots and other objects has been immortalised, conveying their authenticity and extraordinary beauty. This authentic approach not only enhances the quality of our products, but also underlines the authenticity that is key to our Portioli brand.

Yet there is more behind this calendar. In a bold step forward, Portioli has embraced innovation without betraying its roots. Through the harmonious union of tradition and progress, artificial intelligence has been introduced as a collaborative tool in the creation of this calendar. At a time when AI is making its way into multiple fields, Portioli stands out in its use of this technology, not as a surrogate for human thought, but as a valuable creative support.

The prompts (i.e., the phrases entered to generate images within the AI) provided guided artificial intelligence in the generation of scenarios that adapted organically to the actual images captured by the photographer. The AI enabled photographs of objects to be blended with carefully selected backgrounds, creating an atmosphere that emphasised the true essence of the moments depicted in the calendar.

This calendar is a tangible example of how innovation can flourish without compromising the solid foundations of corporate tradition, opening up new scenarios without ever losing sight of the authentic roots that define us.

Portioli Future Vision

2024 Portioli calendar is not just a look at the present, but an open window to the future. Join us on our journey towards a new frontier of taste, tradition and innovation. Discover our 2024 Portioli calendar!