Coffee is a beverage loved by millions of people worldwide. Every day, many of us go to the coffee shop to enjoy a good espresso, a break that helps us facing the challenges of the day. However, there are times when the coffee bar experience can be disappointing due to an unpleasant taste: burnt coffee or “slop.” Let us see what these are and how we can avoid these two mistakes to enjoy the perfect coffee.

Burnt coffee – Definition

The term “burnt coffee” refers to a coffee with a bitter, charred taste, far from the rich, pleasant aroma expected from espresso. This problem occurs when coffee beans are roasted too long or at excessively high temperatures. Coffee roasting is a crucial process, as it affects both aroma and flavour profile of the final beverage. Burnt coffee can be extremely unpleasant and ruin the entire coffee experience.

Why coffee at the bar is burnt

There can be several reasons why coffee at the bar ends up being burnt. One of the main factors is rush and lack of attention during the roasting process. Baristas may be tempted to speed up the process to serve more customers, but this can damage the quality of the coffee. In addition, the equipment used for roasting may be poorly calibrated or unable to control the temperature, leading to uneven or excessive roasting of the beans.

Portioli tips for the perfect espresso

  • Selection of beans: Start by choosing high-quality coffee beans. Investing in coffee from reliable sources with a good roasting reputation can make a big difference
  • Storage: Be sure to store coffee beans properly. Avoid exposing them to moisture and oxygen by using airtight containers and storing them in a cool, dark place
  • Grinding: Coffee grinding should be done just before extraction. Choose a grind that is appropriate for the brewing method you are using, to achieve optimal flavour exposure during extraction
  • Cleaning: Keep coffee machines and brewing equipment clean at all times. Burnt coffee residue can adversely affect the taste of the next coffee
  • Training: Make sure your team knows about the importance of proper roasting and coffee preparation. Ongoing training can improve service quality
  • Customer feedback: Listen to customer feedback about your coffee. Their comments can be invaluable in identifying any problems and continuously improving quality.

In conclusion, burnt coffee or “slop” is a problem that can ruin the coffee bar experience. However, by following the tips mentioned above, you can avoid these mistakes and always enjoy a perfect coffee with irresistible aroma and flavour. Coffee is a true art, and with the right attention, we can fully appreciate the beauty of this amazing beverage.